Spotify Client Api
An API instance created through client authentication, with access to private information managed through the scopes exposed in token
Provides access to Spotify album endpoints
Provides access to Spotify artist endpoints
Provides access to Spotify browse endpoints
A list of all endpoints included in this api type
Provides access to Spotify episode endpoints
Provides access to endpoints for managing the artists, users, and playlists that a Spotify user follows. Superset of FollowingApi
Provides access to endpoints for retrieving information about, and managing, tracks that the current user has saved in their “Your Music” library.
Provides access to Spotify market endpoints
Provides access to endpoints for retrieving information about the user’s listening habits.
Provides access to the beta player api, including track playing and pausing endpoints.
Provides access to endpoints for retrieving information about a user’s playlists and for managing a user’s playlists. Superset of PlaylistApi
Provides access to the Spotify search endpoint
Provides access to Spotify show endpoints
Provides access to Spotify track endpoints
If the cache is enabled, clear all stored queries in the cache
Return a new SpotifyApiBuilder with the parameters provided to this api instance
Return a new B with the parameters provided to this api instance
Create a Spotify authorization URL from which client access can be obtained
Obtain a map of all currently-cached requests
The Spotify user id to which the api instance is connected
Whether the current access token allows access to scope scope
Whether the current access token allows access to scope scope
Whether the current access token allows access to all of the provided scopes
Whether the current access token allows access to all of the provided scopes
Tests whether the current token is actually valid. By default, an endpoint is called once to verify validity.
Tests whether the current token is actually valid. By default, an endpoint is called once to verify validity.
Modify the current Token via DSL
Change the current Token's access token