Client Player Api
These endpoints allow for viewing and controlling user playback. Please view the official documentation for more information on how this works. This is in beta and is available for premium users only. Endpoints are not guaranteed to work and are subject to change!
Add an item to the end of the user’s current playback queue. Please note that all items in the queue will be played before resuming the current playlist/album playing, if there is one.
Get information about the user’s current playback state, including track, track progress, and active device.
Get the object currently being played on the user’s Spotify account.
Get information about a user’s available devices.
Get tracks from the current user’s recently played tracks. Note: Currently doesn't support podcast episodes.
Get the list of objects that make up the user's queue.
Set the repeat mode for the user’s playback. Options are PlayerRepeatState.Track, PlayerRepeatState.Context, and PlayerRepeatState.Off.
Skips to previous track in the user’s queue.
Skips to the next track in the user’s queue.
Start or resume playback.
Toggle shuffle on or off for user’s playback.
Transfer playback to a new device and determine if it should start playing.