Spotify Scope
Scopes provide Spotify users using third-party apps the confidence that only the information they choose to share will be shared, and nothing more.
Each represents a distinct privilege and may be required by one or more endpoints as discussed on the Spotify Authorization Documentation
The scope id
Remote control playback of Spotify. This scope is currently available to Spotify iOS and Android App Remote SDKs.
Read access to user's private playlists.
Include collaborative playlists when requesting a user's playlists.
Write access to a user's public playlists.
Write access to a user's private playlists.
Let the application upload playlist covers and profile images
Write/delete access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows.
Read access to the list of artists and other users that the user follows.
Read access to a user's "Your Music" library.
Write/delete access to a user's "Your Music" library.
Write access to a user’s playback state
Read access to user’s subscription details (type of user account).
Read access to user’s email address.
Read access to a user's top artists and tracks.
Read access to a user’s player state.
Read access to a user’s playback position in a content.
Read access to a user’s currently playing track
Read access to a user’s recently played tracks.
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.