
suspend fun getClientPlaylists(limit: Int? = api.spotifyApiOptions.defaultLimit, offset: Int? = null): PagingObject<SimplePlaylist>(source)

Get a list of the playlists owned or followed by a Spotify user.

Private playlists are only retrievable for the current user and requires the SpotifyScope.PlaylistReadPrivate scope to have been authorized by the user. Note that this scope alone will not return collaborative playlists, even though they are always private. Collaborative playlists are only retrievable for the current user and requires the SpotifyScope.PlaylistReadCollaborative scope to have been authorized by the user.

Api Reference



The number of objects to return. Default: 50 (or api limit). Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.


The index of the first playable to return. Default: 0. Use with limit to get the next set of playables


if the filters provided are illegal