
suspend fun getTopArtists(limit: Int? = api.spotifyApiOptions.defaultLimit, offset: Int? = null, timeRange: ClientPersonalizationApi.TimeRange? = null): PagingObject<Artist>(source)

Get the current user’s top artists based on calculated affinity.

Affinity is a measure of the expected preference a user has for a particular track or artist. It is based on user behavior, including play history, but does not include actions made while in incognito mode. Light or infrequent users of Spotify may not have sufficient play history to generate a full affinity data set. As a user’s behavior is likely to shift over time, this preference data is available over three time spans. See time_range in the query parameter table for more information. For each time range, the top 50 tracks and artists are available for each user. In the future, it is likely that this restriction will be relaxed. This data is typically updated once each day for each user.

Requires the SpotifyScope.UserTopRead scope

Api Reference


PagingObject of full Artist objects sorted by affinity



The number of objects to return. Default: 50 (or api limit). Minimum: 1. Maximum: 50.


The index of the first item to return. Default: 0. Use with limit to get the next set of items


The time range to which to compute this. The default is TimeRange.MediumTerm