Package-level declarations


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abstract class AbstractPagingObject<T : Any, Z : AbstractPagingObject<T, Z>> : PagingObjectBase<T, Z> , List<T?>

The offset-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls.

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data class Album(albumTypeString: String, availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), externalIdsString: Map<String, String> = hashMapOf(), externalUrlsString: Map<String, String> = mapOf(), val href: String, val id: String, val uri: AlbumUri, val artists: List<SimpleArtist>, val copyrights: List<SpotifyCopyright>, val genres: List<String>, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val label: String, val name: String, val popularity: Double, releaseDateString: String, val releaseDatePrecision: String, val tracks: PagingObject<SimpleTrack>, val type: String, val totalTracks: Int, val restrictions: Restrictions? = null) : CoreObject

Represents an Album on Spotify

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Album search type

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Represents a Spotify Album URI (spotify:album:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object AlbumUriSerializer : KSerializer<AlbumUri>
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data class Artist(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: ArtistUri, val followers: Followers, val genres: List<String>, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val name: String? = null, val popularity: Double, val type: String) : CoreObject

Represents an Artist (distinct from a regular user) on Spotify

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@Serializable(with = ArtistUriSerializer::class)
class ArtistUri(input: String) : SpotifyUri, ContextUri

Represents a Spotify Artist URI (spotify:artist:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object ArtistUriSerializer : KSerializer<ArtistUri>
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data class AudioAnalysis(val bars: List<TimeInterval>, val beats: List<TimeInterval>, val meta: AudioAnalysisMeta, val sections: List<AudioSection>, val segments: List<AudioSegment>, val tatums: List<TimeInterval>, val track: TrackAnalysis)

The Audio Analysis endpoint provides low-level audio analysis for all of the tracks in the Spotify catalog. The Audio Analysis describes the track’s structure and musical content, including rhythm, pitch, and timbre. All information is precise to the audio sample. Many elements of analysis include confidence values, a floating-point number ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. Confidence indicates the reliability of its corresponding attribute. Elements carrying a small confidence value should be considered speculative. There may not be sufficient data in the audio to compute the attribute with high certainty.

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data class AudioAnalysisMeta(val analyzerVersion: String, val platform: String, val detailedStatus: String, val statusCode: Int? = null, val timestamp: Long, val analysisTime: Float, val inputProcess: String)

Information about the analysis run

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data class AudioFeatures(val acousticness: Float, val analysisUrl: String, val danceability: Float, val durationMs: Int, val energy: Float, val id: String, val instrumentalness: Float, val key: Int, val liveness: Float, val loudness: Float, val mode: Int, val speechiness: Float, val tempo: Float, val timeSignature: Int, val trackHref: String, val type: String, val uri: PlayableUri, val valence: Float)

General attributes of a Track

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data class AudioSection(val start: Float = 0.0f, val duration: Float, val confidence: Float, val loudness: Float, val tempo: Float? = null, val tempoConfidence: Float? = null, val key: Int, val keyConfidence: Float? = null, val mode: Int? = null, val modeConfidence: Float? = null, val timeSignature: Int, val timeSignatureConfidence: Float)

Sections are defined by large variations in rhythm or timbre, e.g. chorus, verse, bridge, guitar solo, etc. Each section contains its own descriptions of tempo, key, mode, time_signature, and loudness.*

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data class AudioSegment(val start: Float? = null, val duration: Float, val confidence: Float? = null, val loudnessStart: Float, val loudnessMaxTime: Float? = null, val loudnessMax: Float, val loudnessEnd: Float? = null, val pitches: List<Float>, val timbre: List<Float>)

Audio segments attempts to subdivide a song into many segments, with each segment containing a roughly consistent sound throughout its duration.

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data class AuthenticationError(val error: String, val description: String? = null)

An exception during the authentication process

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@Serializable(with = CollectionUriSerializer::class)
sealed class CollectionUri : SpotifyUri

Represents a Spotify Collection URI (one of PlaylistUri or ImmutableCollectionUri), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object CollectionUriSerializer : KSerializer<CollectionUri>
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@Serializable(with = ContextUriSerializer::class)
interface ContextUri : ISpotifyUri

Represents a Spotify Context URI (one of AlbumUri, ArtistUri, PlaylistUri, UserCollectionUri, or ShowUri),

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object ContextUriSerializer : KSerializer<ContextUri>
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Copyright statement type of an Album

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abstract class CoreObject : Identifiable

Represents a core Spotify object such as a Track or Album

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data class CurrentlyPlayingContext(val timestamp: Long, val device: Device, val progressMs: Int? = null, val isPlaying: Boolean, val item: Playable? = null, val shuffleState: Boolean, val repeatStateString: String, val context: SpotifyContext? = null)

Information about the current playback

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data class CurrentlyPlayingObject(val context: SpotifyContext? = null, val timestamp: Long, val progressMs: Int? = null, val isPlaying: Boolean, val item: Playable? = null, currentlyPlayingTypeString: String, val actions: PlaybackActions)

Information about the currently playing track and context

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The object type of the currently playing item

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data class CurrentUserQueue(val currentlyPlaying: Playable? = null, val queue: List<Playable>)
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data class Cursor(val before: String? = null, val after: String? = null)

The cursor to use as key to find the next (or previous) page of items.

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data class CursorBasedPagingObject<T : Any>(val href: String, val items: List<T>, val limit: Int, val next: String? = null, val cursor: Cursor? = null, val total: Int = 0, val offset: Int = 0, val previous: String? = null) : PagingObjectBase<T, CursorBasedPagingObject<T>>

The cursor-based paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like next and cursors that can be useful in future calls.

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data class Device(val id: String? = null, val isActive: Boolean, val isPrivateSession: Boolean, val isRestricted: Boolean, val name: String, val typeString: String, val volumePercent: Int) : IdentifiableNullable

A device which is connected to the Spotify user

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Electronic type of registered Spotify device

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data class DisallowablePlaybackAction(val action: PlaybackAction, val disallowed: Boolean)

Maps a playback action to whether the user is disallowed from doing it

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data class Episode(val audioPreviewUrl: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val durationMs: Int, val explicit: Boolean, externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val isExternallyHosted: Boolean, val isPlayable: Boolean, language: String? = null, showLanguagesPrivate: List<String>, val name: String, releaseDateString: String? = null, val releaseDatePrecisionString: String? = null, val resumePoint: ResumePoint? = null, val show: SimpleShow, val type: String, val uri: EpisodeUri) : CoreObject, Playable

An episode (podcast) on Spotify

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@Serializable(with = EpisodeUriSerializer::class)
class EpisodeUri(input: String) : PlayableUri

Represents a Spotify Episode URI (spotify:episode:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object EpisodeUriSerializer : KSerializer<EpisodeUri>
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data class ErrorObject(val status: Int, val message: String, val reason: String? = null)

An endpoint exception from Spotify

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data class ErrorResponse(val error: ErrorObject, val exception: Exception? = null)

Wraps around ErrorObject. Serialized raw Spotify error response

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data class ExplicitContentSettings(val filterEnabled: Boolean, val filterLocked: Boolean)
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class ExternalId(val key: String, val id: String)

An external id linked to the result object

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class ExternalUrl(val name: String, val url: String)

Key/value pair mapping a name to an arbitrary url

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data class FeaturedPlaylists(val message: String, val playlists: PagingObject<SimplePlaylist>)

Spotify featured playlists (on the Browse tab)

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@Serializable(with = FollowersSerializer::class)
data class Followers(val href: String? = null, val total: Int? = null)

Information about a Spotify user's followers

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abstract class Identifiable : IdentifiableNullable

Represents an identifiable Spotify object such as an Album or Recommendation Seed

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abstract class IdentifiableNullable : NeedsApi

Represents an identifiable Spotify object such as an Album or Recommendation Seed

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Represents a Spotify Immutable Collection URI (one of AlbumUri or ShowUri), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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interface ISpotifyUri
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data class LinkedTrack(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: PlayableUri, val type: String) : CoreObject

Represents a relinked track. This is playable in the searched market. If null, the API result is playable in the market.

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data class LocalTrack(val album: SimpleLocalAlbum, val artists: List<SimpleLocalArtist>, val href: String? = null, val id: String? = null, val discNumber: String? = null, val durationMs: Int? = null, val explicit: Boolean? = null, val isLocal: Boolean = true, val name: String, val popularity: Double? = null, val trackNumber: Int? = null, val type: String, val uri: LocalTrackUri) : IdentifiableNullable, Playable

Local track object that representing a song uploaded from a client locally

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@Serializable(with = LocalTrackUriSerializer::class)
class LocalTrackUri(input: String) : PlayableUri

Represents a Spotify Local Track URI (spotify:local:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object LocalTrackUriSerializer : KSerializer<LocalTrackUri>
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abstract class NeedsApi

Provide access to the underlying SpotifyApi

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class NullablePagingObject<T : Any>(val href: String, val items: List<T?>, val limit: Int, val next: String? = null, val offset: Int, val previous: String? = null, val total: Int = 0) : AbstractPagingObject<T, NullablePagingObject<T>>

The offset-based nullable paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls. Its items are not guaranteed to be not null

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data class PagingObject<T : Any>(val href: String, val items: List<T>, val limit: Int, val next: String? = null, val offset: Int, val previous: String? = null, val total: Int = 0) : AbstractPagingObject<T, PagingObject<T>>

The offset-based non-nullable paging object is a container for a set of objects. It contains a key called items (whose value is an array of the requested objects) along with other keys like previous, next and limit that can be useful in future calls.

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abstract class PagingObjectBase<T : Any, Z : PagingObjectBase<T, Z>> : NeedsApi, List<T?>
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@Serializable(with = PlayableSerializer::class)
interface Playable

A local track, episode, or track. Serialized with PlayableSerializer

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object PlayableSerializer : KSerializer<Playable>
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@Serializable(with = PlayableUriSerializer::class)
sealed class PlayableUri : SpotifyUri

Represents a Spotify Playable URI (one of SpotifyTrackUri, LocalTrackUri, or EpisodeUri), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object PlayableUriSerializer : KSerializer<PlayableUri>
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Action a user takes that will affect current playback

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data class PlaybackActions(val disallowsString: Map<String, Boolean?>)

List of playback actions (pause, resume, etc) which a user is disallowed or allowed to do. Playback actions NOT in disallows are allowed.

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data class PlayHistory(val track: Track, val playedAt: String, val context: SpotifyContext? = null)

Information about a previously-played track

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data class Playlist(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: PlaylistUri, val collaborative: Boolean, val description: String? = null, val followers: Followers, val primaryColor: String? = null, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val name: String, val owner: SpotifyPublicUser, val public: Boolean? = null, snapshotIdString: String, val tracks: PagingObject<PlaylistTrack>, val type: String) : CoreObject

Represents a Playlist on Spotify

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data class PlaylistTrack(val primaryColor: String? = null, val addedAt: String? = null, val addedBy: SpotifyPublicUser? = null, val isLocal: Boolean? = null, val track: Playable? = null, val videoThumbnail: VideoThumbnail? = null)

Represents a Spotify track inside a Playlist

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data class PlaylistTrackInfo(val href: String, val total: Int? = null)

A collection containing a link ( href ) to the Web API endpoint where full details of the playlist’s tracks can be retrieved, along with the total number of tracks in the playlist.

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Represents a Spotify Playlist URI (spotify:playlist:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object PlaylistUriSerializer : KSerializer<PlaylistUri>
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data class PodcastEpisodeTrack(val album: SimpleAlbum, val artists: List<SimpleArtist>, availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), val discNumber: Int, val durationMs: Int, val episode: Boolean? = null, val explicit: Boolean, externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, externalIdsString: Map<String, String> = hashMapOf(), val href: String, val id: String, val isLocal: Boolean? = null, val isPlayable: Boolean = true, val name: String, val popularity: Double, val previewUrl: String? = null, val track: Boolean? = null, val trackNumber: Int, val type: String, val uri: PlayableUri, val linkedTrack: LinkedTrack? = null) : RelinkingAvailableResponse, Playable

An episode (podcast) on Spotify

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data class RecommendationResponse(val seeds: List<RecommendationSeed>, val tracks: List<Track>)
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data class RecommendationSeed(val href: String? = null, val id: String, val initialPoolSize: Int, val afterFilteringSize: Int, val afterRelinkingSize: Int? = null, val type: String) : Identifiable

Seed from which the recommendation was constructed

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data class ReleaseDate(val year: Int, val month: Int?, val day: Int?)
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abstract class RelinkingAvailableResponse : CoreObject

Represents a response for which a relinked track could be available

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data class Restrictions(val reason: String)

Contains an explanation of why a track is not available

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interface ResultEnum

Interface that allows easy identifier retrieval for children with an implemented identifier

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data class ResumePoint(val fullyPlayed: Boolean, val resumePositionMs: Int)

Represents the user’s most recent position in the episode. Set if the supplied access token is a user token and has the scope SpotifyScope.UserReadPlaybackPosition.

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data class SavedAlbum(val addedAt: String, val album: Album)

Represents an album saved in a user's library

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data class SavedEpisode(val addedAt: String, val episode: Episode)

Represents an episode saved in a user's library

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data class SavedShow(val addedAt: String, val show: SimpleShow)

Represents a show saved in a user's library

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data class SavedTrack(val addedAt: String, val track: Track)

Represents a track saved in a user's library

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data class SearchFilter(val filterType: SearchFilterType, val filterValue: String)

A filter of type SearchFilterType. Should be unique by type.

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Available filters that Spotify allows in search, in addition to filtering by object type.

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data class Show(availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), val copyrights: List<SpotifyCopyright>, val description: String? = null, val explicit: Boolean, val episodes: NullablePagingObject<SimpleEpisode>, externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val images: List<SpotifyImage>, val isExternallyHosted: Boolean? = null, val languagesString: List<String>, val mediaType: String, val name: String, val publisher: String, val type: String, val uri: ShowUri) : CoreObject

Information about a Spotify show, including its episodes

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Represents a Spotify Show URI (spotify:show:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object ShowUriSerializer : KSerializer<ShowUri>
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data class SimpleAlbum(albumTypeString: String, availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: SpotifyUri, val artists: List<SimpleArtist>, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val name: String, val type: String, val restrictions: Restrictions? = null, releaseDateString: String? = null, val releaseDatePrecisionString: String? = null, val totalTracks: Int? = null, albumGroupString: String? = null) : CoreObject

Simplified Album object that can be used to retrieve a full Album

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data class SimpleArtist(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: SpotifyUri, val name: String? = null, val type: String) : CoreObject

Simplified Artist object that can be used to retrieve a full Artist

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data class SimpleEpisode(val audioPreviewUrl: String? = null, val description: String? = null, val durationMs: Int, val explicit: Boolean, externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val isExternallyHosted: Boolean, val isPlayable: Boolean, language: String? = null, showLanguagesPrivate: List<String>, val name: String, releaseDateString: String? = null, val releaseDatePrecisionString: String? = null, val resumePoint: ResumePoint? = null, val type: String, val uri: SpotifyUri) : CoreObject

A simplified episode (podcast) on Spotify

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data class SimpleLocalAlbum(val albumType: String? = null, val artists: List<SimpleLocalArtist> = listOf(), val name: String, releaseDate: String? = null, val releaseDatePrecision: String? = null, val type: String)

Local album object that goes with LocalTrack - represents the local album it was obtained from (likely "Local Files")

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data class SimpleLocalArtist(val name: String, val type: String)

Local artist object (goes with LocalTrack) representing an artist on a local track

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data class SimplePlaylist(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: SpotifyUri, val collaborative: Boolean, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val name: String, val description: String? = null, val owner: SpotifyPublicUser, val primaryColor: String? = null, val public: Boolean? = null, snapshotIdString: String, val tracks: PlaylistTrackInfo, val type: String) : CoreObject

Simplified Playlist object that can be used to retrieve a full Playlist

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data class SimpleShow(availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val copyrights: List<SpotifyCopyright>, val description: String? = null, val explicit: Boolean, val href: String, val id: String, val images: List<SpotifyImage>, val isExternallyHosted: Boolean? = null, languagesString: List<String>, val mediaType: String, val name: String, val publisher: String, val type: String, val uri: SpotifyUri) : CoreObject

Basic information about a Spotify show

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data class SimpleTrack(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), externalIdsString: Map<String, String> = hashMapOf(), val href: String, val id: String, val uri: SpotifyUri, val artists: List<SimpleArtist>, val discNumber: Int, val durationMs: Int, val explicit: Boolean, val isPlayable: Boolean = true, val linkedTrack: LinkedTrack? = null, val name: String, val previewUrl: String? = null, val trackNumber: Int, val type: String, val isLocal: Boolean? = null, val popularity: Double? = null, val restrictions: Restrictions? = null) : RelinkingAvailableResponse

Simplified Playlist object that can be used to retrieve a full Playlist

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data class SpotifyCategory(val href: String, val id: String, val icons: List<SpotifyImage>, val name: String) : Identifiable

Spotify music category

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data class SpotifyContext(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val uri: ContextUri, val typeString: String)

Context in which a track was played

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data class SpotifyCopyright(textString: String, typeString: String)

Describes an album's copyright information

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data class SpotifyImage(val height: Double? = null, val url: String, val width: Double? = null)

A Spotify image

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data class SpotifyPublicUser(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: UserUri, val displayName: String? = null, val followers: Followers = Followers(null, -1), val images: List<SpotifyImage> = listOf(), val type: String) : CoreObject

Public information about a Spotify user

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Thrown when SpotifyApiOptions.retryWhenRateLimited is false and requests have been ratelimited

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data class SpotifySearchResult(val albums: PagingObject<SimpleAlbum>? = null, val artists: PagingObject<Artist>? = null, val playlists: PagingObject<SimplePlaylist>? = null, val tracks: PagingObject<Track>? = null, val episodes: NullablePagingObject<SimpleEpisode>? = null, val shows: NullablePagingObject<SimpleShow>? = null)
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Represents a Spotify Track URI (spotify:track:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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@Serializable(with = SpotifyUriSerializer::class)
sealed class SpotifyUri : ISpotifyUri

Represents any Spotify URI (one of ArtistUri, PlayableUri, ImmutableCollectionUri, UserUri, PlaylistUri), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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Exception instantiating or deserializing a uri perceived as invalid

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object SpotifyUriSerializer : KSerializer<SpotifyUri>
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data class SpotifyUserInformation(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, val href: String, val id: String, val uri: UserUri, val country: String? = null, val displayName: String? = null, val email: String? = null, val followers: Followers, val images: List<SpotifyImage>? = null, val product: String? = null, val explicitContentSettings: ExplicitContentSettings? = null, val type: String) : CoreObject

Private information about a Spotify user. Each field may require a specific scope.

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data class TimeInterval(val start: Float, val duration: Float, val confidence: Float)

This is a generic object used to represent various time intervals within Audio Analysis.

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data class Token(var accessToken: String, val tokenType: String, var expiresIn: Int, var refreshToken: String? = null, scopeString: String? = null)

Represents a Spotify Token, retrieved through instantiating a SpotifyApi

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data class TokenValidityResponse(val isValid: Boolean, val exception: Exception? = null)
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data class Track(externalUrlsString: Map<String, String>, externalIdsString: Map<String, String> = hashMapOf(), availableMarketsString: List<String> = listOf(), val href: String, val id: String, val uri: PlayableUri, val album: SimpleAlbum, val artists: List<SimpleArtist>, val isPlayable: Boolean = true, val discNumber: Int, val durationMs: Int, val explicit: Boolean, val linkedTrack: LinkedTrack? = null, val name: String, val popularity: Double, val previewUrl: String? = null, val trackNumber: Int, val type: String, val isLocal: Boolean? = null, val restrictions: Restrictions? = null, val episode: Boolean? = null, val track: Boolean? = null) : RelinkingAvailableResponse, Playable

Represents a music track on Spotify

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data class TrackAnalysis(val numSamples: Int, val duration: Float, val sampleMd5: String? = null, val offsetSeconds: Int? = null, val windowSeconds: Int? = null, val analysisSampleRate: Float, val analysisChannels: Int, val endOfFadeIn: Float, val startOfFadeOut: Float, val loudness: Float, val tempo: Float, val tempoConfidence: Float, val timeSignature: Int, val timeSignatureConfidence: Float, val key: Int, val keyConfidence: Float, val mode: Int? = null, val modeConfidence: Float, val codestring: String, val codeVersion: Float, val echoprintstring: String, val echoprintVersion: Float, val synchstring: String, val synchVersion: Float, val rhythmstring: String, val rhythmVersion: Float)

General information about the track as a whole

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Represents a Spotify User Collection URI URI (spotify:user:XXXX:collection), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint. It appears that this URI corresponds to the user's saved tracks collection in their library.

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@Serializable(with = UserUriSerializer::class)
class UserUri(input: String) : SpotifyUri

Represents a Spotify User URI (spotify:user:XXXXXXXXXX), parsed from either a Spotify ID or taken from an endpoint.

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object UserUriSerializer : KSerializer<UserUri>
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data class VideoThumbnail(val url: String? = null)


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Convert an album id or uri string to an AlbumUri object

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Convert an artist id or uri string to an ArtistUri object

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Convert a collection (playlist/ImmutableCollectionUri) id or uri string to an ImmutableCollectionUri object. If an id is provided or the input is ambiguous, PlaylistUri is preferred.

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Convert any (artist, album, playlist, or show) uri string to a ContextUri object.

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Convert an episode id or uri string to an EpisodeUri object

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Convert an immutable collection (album/show) id or uri string to an ImmutableCollectionUri object. If an id is provided or the input is ambiguous, AlbumUri is preferred.

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Convert a local track id or uri string to a LocalTrackUri object

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Convert a playable (track/local track/episode) id or uri string to a PlayableUri object. If an id is provided or the input is ambiguous, SpotifyTrackUri is preferred.

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Convert a playlist id or uri string to a PlaylistUri object

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Convert a show id or uri string to a ShowUri object

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Convert any (artist, PlayableUri, ImmutableCollectionUri, user, playlist) uri string to a SpotifyUri object. Ambiguity is not allowed.

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Convert a track (non-local) id or uri string to a SpotifyTrackUri object

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Convert a show id or uri string to a ShowUri object

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Convert a user id or uri string to a UserUri object