Package-level declarations
Wrapper around spotify-auth's LoginActivity that allows configuration of the authentication process, along with callbacks on successful and failed authentication. Pair this with SpotifyDefaultCredentialStore to easily store credentials. Inherits from AppCompatActivity. If instead you want to inherit from Activity, please use AbstractSpotifyAppImplicitLoginActivity.
Wrapper around spotify-auth's LoginActivity that allows configuration of the authentication process, along with callbacks on successful and failed authentication. Pair this with SpotifyDefaultCredentialStore to easily store credentials. Inherits from Activity. If instead you want to inherit from AppCompatActivity, please use AbstractSpotifyAppCompatImplicitLoginActivity.
Wrapper around spotify-auth's LoginActivity that allows configuration of the authentication process, along with callbacks on successful and failed authentication. Pair this with SpotifyDefaultCredentialStore to easily store credentials. To use, you must extend from either AbstractSpotifyAppImplicitLoginActivity or AbstractSpotifyAppCompatImplicitLoginActivity
Basic implicit authentication guard - verifies that the user is logged in to Spotify and uses SpotifyDefaultImplicitAuthHelper to handle re-authentication and redirection back to the activity.
Start Spotify implicit login activity within an existing activity.